Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's Only Monday And I'm Already Screwed

I don't sleep much these days. I catch up on the weekends when I can sleep late, but that always backfires come Monday, as it did today. I try to sleep Sunday night but can't and spend the rest of the week trying to get back to a normal schedule. By Friday I'm usually there, but then I just do it all over again.

Last night I took two Nyquil to help things along, but it didn't work. I'm out of that today, but I really don't want to take drugs to get to sleep. I'd almost rather just not sleep, especially when I know I could probably do some other things to help get into a normal routine. At least I can get some things done when I can't sleep. I can work any time so I try to take advantage of times like these. But, I don't always feel like working at 2:30 AM, so if I remember I even have a blog, I'll try to write something here to help encourage some shut-eye.

I'm feeling it now, good night, err. morning.